Knitted Candy

While surfing, I found How to Make Knitted or Crocheted Candy Talk about yarn bombing eye candy! I might have to try to make some sock yarn candy. If I do, I’ll send some to the festival.

The New Mills Woolly Wanderer site is :

For the New Mills Festival 2011, artists, local community groups and worldwide crafting communities will collaboratively create a ‘woolly wander yarn trail’ on the streets of New Mills.
The project will be fabricated through a series of programmed workshops during the lead up to the festival, which opens on the 9th September 2011.

An international call out to all crafters will be made via a project blog, through social networking sites and online crafting communities.

The work will be installed during the two weeks leading up to the festival and will include the following outdoor installations:

· Knitted and crocheted sweets inspired by local company Swizzles Matlow ( , which will be installed as ‘yarn bombs or knitted graffiti’ in and around the town as hangings in a variety of locations.
· A car that will be covered in knitting and crochet squares, which will be parked up in a central location in the town during the festival.