Not exactly a yarn bomb

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My Slytherin House scarf was knit in 4 days, just in time to see the Midnight Opening of Harry Potters – The Deathly Hallows Part 2.

I suppose you could say I yarn bombed myself!

Calgary Artbomber yarn bombs Halifax

The Calgary Artbomber strikes again, this time 3700 kms to the East, in Halifax. It looks like a very successful hit; I can see yarn bombs on a statue, a stop sign, a bench, a tree, posts, and even a rock. I can even see one of my pieces in Halifax Harbor. (yay)

There are twenty  cool yarn bomb pictures for you to enjoy,  but my favourite is this one:

Knit Graffiti in Halifax Harbor

Photo by Calgary Artbomber

This little green piece of knitting is chalking up an interesting graffiti experience. Originally, I knit it for the LiveStyle Urban Arts festival here in Calgary. It was, along with a few more woolly bits, sewed around a pole/cement base for awhile.

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Even though I can’t travel to Halifax, my graffiti did.
Even though I can’t travel to New Zealand, my graffiti did ( as part of the Woolly Walkalong)
Even though I can’t travel to the UK, my graffiti is going to! (not quite finished yet, but soon on its way to the Knitted Maze. (with the help of Canada Post)

Does this  qualify as adventure travel?

Check Mark for International Yarn Bombing Day

Here is the first of my yarn bombings today/tonight.  Sort of a  pre-international yarn bombing day, graffiti tag, Calgary, Canada.

This  check mark is on a chain link fence around Brentwood Elementary School.    I thought the  school kids could use another check mark for their end of year exams.

Check Mark yarn bomb on school fence

A woolly check mark for the school yard.

I tied it onto the fence as  quickly as  I could.   Northmount Drive was busy, and lots of cars  drove by.  One slowed down so the passenger could  shout out a cheer.  ( I think it was a cheer,  I hope it was a cheer…  if not,, oh well)     With luck this bit will last a  while and the kids will find it amusing.

I have  a couple more pieces to install tomorrow.

Knit a Maze?

How hard would it be to knit a mile? Thats the question asked at . It seems they have quite a loooooong yarn bomb in process, and I want to knit a piece and send it in. Here is a post from their blog, blatantly copied for you to see. 🙂
Knitted Maze

What are we trying to do?

Yarn bomb the turf maze in Saffron Walden – a mile long labyrinth style turf maze.

Why are we trying?

From August 20th – 28th 2011 the town of Saffron Walden in Essex is holding a maze festival. We have two mazes in the town – a turf maze and a hedge maze so someone had the idea to celebrate the maziness of our town.

The organizers thought it would be great to have a knitted component to the festival but the word on the street was that they couldn’t find anyone to coordinate it. In steps me.

I run an online yarn business and am interested in how knitting helps build communities so it was a natural opportunity for me to jump in feet first without any thought of how impossible it would be to achieve or how much it would take over my life, my home, my forearm ligaments.

In the beginning I wanted to achieve something along these lines but it soon became clear that getting people to engage with such an abstract concept was a difficult sell. And if there was one thing I knew it was that I needed help, and a lot of it.

In mulling over the options I decided that the best approach was to use what we have already – the mazes, and so we decided to try and yarn bomb the main maze in town.

To do this we require a mile of knitting which is approx 9 – 12 inches wide and a mile long with 5 large circular pieces as well.

How hard can it be to knit a mile – once I had done my sums I realised I would have to knit 203 feet a week in order to get there. Well on a good week I manage 20 feet. So the grand adventure has begun to get enough people involved to get a mile of knitting done by 20th August 2011.

I have some chunky acrylic yarn to use up, that could be simply ‘amazing’.

LiveStyle KNIT Style

Calgary Olympic Plaza, yarn bombed.

By the time I left there were more than half a dozen knitters/crocheters involved… and I left before the end of the event… who knows, there could have been a MOB of Knit Bombers by 4 pm … I will have to find out the specific details…