Pigeons Anyone? How about Bees?

The newest from StitchLondon; a book launch and a pigeon:

I will be looking for this book, and probably making a pigeon or two
myself. So cute, and probably not so messy! Proceeds from sales of the new book will go cancer research.

Actually, if I lived in London, I would join the StitchLondon knitting group. It sounds like a lot of wild and woolly fun.

Speaking of wild and woolly fun, it must be time for me to start working on a knit graffiti piece for Calgary. Its been a while since I put up anything locally. Hmmmm, what will it be?

What I have been doing is a lot of knitting, just not graffiti. Have you heard of the beekeeper’s quilt from TinyOwlKnits? Its wonderfully addictive. Watch at your own risk.

the beekeeper’s quilt from tinyowlknits on Vimeo.

Here are pictures of my growing pile of hexipuffs: (as you can now see, they like to get out and have fun!)

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