Too cute!

I have to do this.  You need to  enjoy this.

This is a picture from a cool blog called Can’t Survive on Yarn Alone

I love it.  I love the colour.  I love the message.  I love the blog.

June 11 – International Yarn Bombing Day

If you have been on the fence about trying your hand/needles at yarn bombing, this is a perfect time to start.

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How to start? Its easy. Grab some knitting needles, or a crochet hook, and some yarn. Pick that old ball of acrylic that you just don’t want to use on anything, but can’t bear to just throw it out. Now, start knitting/crocheting. EASY.

You can start with a rectangle, say 3 inches wide and 12 inches long. Make it loosely, so it will stretch. You can use huge knitting needles and multiple balls of yarn if you want, so the knitting goes super fast.

Leave a long tail of yarn at the end, attach an upholstery needle, and you are set. Put your first yarn bomb in a bag, with a little pair of scissors/nail clippers, and head outside.

Wrap that beautiful piece of street art around a sign post, a bench, a bicycle rack, tree, anything you want. Stitch it in place with the yarn tail, clip the yarn, and you are done.

Take some pictures, and you have officially joined the fun, silly, exciting and extremely creative yarn bombing, knit graffiti world.

Go back later to see if you bomb is still there, and start planning your next one.

You can add a paper/cloth tag to it with your name, your website, a message if you like, or leave it anonymous… ITS ALL UP TO YOU.

Have fun, be daring, and think outside the box.